it was our wedding anniversary last wednesday and i baked a cake to celebrate the event. when we got married a few years ago, the wedding was held in a far far away province in the philippines where i don't know a single soul except for my family. see my parents have just discovered the place around that time and adopted it as their new home. so we were forced to held the wedding there.
since the place is very rural, there wasn't a decent bake shop around. the nearest one would be about 2 hours away. the only cake available was the one offered by the clerk in the church where the ceremony was held. so we had no choice but order from her. and boy, it was the worst cake i've ever seen. i don't even remember the flavor. all i know was that it was a white cake with about 2 layers. and the only decorations were flowers. supposedly fresh, but it wasn't. and a fountain. that wasn't working.
and that was only the cake. i don't want to talk about the whole wedding itself. brings back bad memories. i've always promised that in one of our future wedding anniversaries, we'd definitely have one grand celebration to make up for the bad one. i intend to have a celebration with good memories, too.
anyway, for now, i'd start practicing on making a really beautiful wedding cake. and here's my first attempt.